Supports to Organizations
The Nova Scotia Department of Labour and Advanced Education (LAE) continues to support community organizations funded by NSSAL through project funding for NSSAL Community Grants.
The purpose of the NSSAL Community Grants is to enhance and support the participation of adult learners in community programs. LNS funded 17 applications for NSSAL Community Grants this year based on criteria approved by LAE. All six regions are represented.
LAE also provides IT Funds for equipment and IT resources necessary for the delivery of NSSAL’s Adult Learning Program. This includes computers, printers, software, laptops, ipad minis, and assistive technology software as well as technical support and cell phone expenses.
Microsoft Office and Windows 10 licenses are installed on the refurbished computers through Computers for Schools (CFS) for Community Learning Organizations funded under NSSAL. This is also provided with funding from LAE.
No orders for CFS were processed April 1, 2020 – March 31, 2021 due to COVID.