Message from Literacy Nova Scotia

Our Mission: Literacy Nova Scotia provides leadership to advance literacy by ensuring that all Nova Scotians have equal access to quality literacy, essential skills, and lifelong learning opportunities.

Investing in literacy is investing in people.

"Investing in literacy is investing in people, productivity, and competitiveness, and will ultimately position Canada favourably in the global environment." - Council of Ministers of Education, Canada, 2010

Since 1992, Literacy Nova Scotia (LNS) has provided leadership to enhance literacy for Nova Scotians. We work to raise awareness about the state of literacy in the province and the country. Enhancing literacy and numeracy skills is more important than ever as literacy rates in Canada have been declining since the new millennium.

Literacy Nova Scotia was able to maintain services and programs despite the COVID pandemic.

In fact, Literacy Nova Scotia was able to take advantage of opportunities such as the Emergency Community Support Fund grants, funded through the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada. The Empowerment for Employment Project, a fisheries training program, has enabled us to continue our work in the Fisheries Sector in Nova Scotia.

Although we were unable to host an in-person LNS PD Conference for practitioners, we were able to offer a very successful webinar series in its place. Webinar topics and presenters included Inclusive Leadership with Brenda Landry, Nurturing Resilience Through a Strong Community with Michael Ungar, A Blended Approach to Learning with Courtney MacMullin, Enhancing Equity Through Access to Literacy Programs with Senator Wanda Thomas Bernard, Moving on Up with the Dartmouth Learning Network, Literacy and Oral Cultures with Stephen Augustine, and Everyday Resilience in Everchanging Times with Robyne Hanley-Dafoe.

2021-22 looks busy and promising with two new projects funded by LAE (NS Department of Labour and Advanced Education). One project will aid unemployed and underemployed people looking for an opportunity to enter health care in non-care entry-level positions within the long-term care sector and the other in the fisheries sector.

The Literacy Nova Scotia Practitioner Training and Certification Program moved to a new online learning platform, and a new online creative writing module for adult learners was developed by LNS.

We are looking forward to hosting a virtual 2021-22 NSPGI fundraiser in November 2021.

Department of Labour and Advanced Education (LAE)
Literacy Nova Scotia is partially funded by the NS Department of Labour and Advanced Education (LAE). LAE contributed $541,377.55 in funding to Literacy Nova Scotia for the period July 01, 2020 to June 30, 2022. The funds will be used by LNS to provide programs and services to support community learning organizations across Nova Scotia as part of the Nova Scotia School of Adult Learning system. These programs and services include:

  • NSSAL PD Fund

  • Adult Learners' Week

  • Nova Scotia Practitioner Training Certification Program

  • PD Conference for Practitioners

  • NSSAL Community Grant Program

  • LNS Resource Hub

  • NSSAL IT Fund

Lynne Wells-Orchard retired from LAE after 30 years and will be greatly missed.

Strategic Plan
Working with the Acadia Entrepreneurship Centre, the LNS Board produced a new 3-year strategic plan. Several strategic goals were identified, and the LNS Board and staff will be working on these goals over the next three years.

Literacy Nova Scotia’s vision is that “All Nova Scotians achieve their learning goals and fulfill their potential”. Please consider becoming an LNS member today as an individual or an organization or become a primary sponsor to help LNS’s vision come true. With your financial support and assistance, we can continue our efforts to enhance the literacy skills of all Nova Scotians.

We would like to extend our thanks to all LNS funders, partners, members, contributors, and supporters, and we look forward to working with the community in support of literacy in the coming year.

Juanita Bruneau

Jayne Hunter
Executive Director