About LNS

Literacy Nova Scotia (LNS) provides leadership to advance literacy by ensuring that all Nova Scotians have equal access to quality literacy, essential skills, and lifelong learning opportunities. LNS is governed by a board which represents labour, business, learners and six geographical regions of Nova Scotia.

LNS provides supports to learners, practitioners, and their organizations. Our membership consists of 27 organizations including 21 Community-based Learning Organizations, the NS Community College, Frontier College, Futureworx and South Shore Work Activity; along with 39 individual supporters including practitioners and learners.

The province of Nova Scotia, through the Department of Labour and Advanced Education has been a major funder, contributing approximately 60% of revenue. LNS partnered with the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick from February 2018 - October 2020 on the Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) project. The Empowerment for Employment (Fisheries) project started on November 1, 2020 when ESAF finished. The Empowerment for Employment Project is supported by the Government of Canada’s Emergency Community Support Fund and Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia.

The other funding support comes from donations, fundraising, membership and fee for service contracts. The NSPGI for Literacy, our biggest fundraiser was not held in this fiscal, however our generous supporters gave donations following the cancellation of the event on March 30, 2021, accounting towards some of this year's donations.

L-R: Jayne Hunter, Heather Lauther, Elaine Frampton, Marie David

Literacy Nova Scotia Staff:
Jayne Hunter
Executive Director

Marie David
Program Coordinator

Heather Lauther
Office Manager

Elaine Frampton
Communications Coordinator

Colin Bawn
Project Coordinator, Essential Skills for Atlantic Fisheries (ESAF) and
Empowerment for Employment (Fisheries) projects

Brenda Lavandier
Facilitator, Practitioner Training Program (contract position)

Andreá Lussing
Facilitator, Empowerment for Employment (Fisheries) Project (contract position)

LNS Board of Directors:
Juanita Bruneau Chair
Crystal Tobin Legere Vice Chair
Danny Cavanagh Past Chair
Beth Fairn Secretary
Paul Robson Treasurer
Chris Atwood
Tami Cox Jardine
Darren Googoo
Wendy Kraglund-Gauthier
Debra Paris Perry
Gordon Pictou
Colleen Thompson
Donna MacGillivray (Ex Officio)