Funders, Partners and Supporters

Thanks to all LNS funders, partners, contributors and supporters, including LNS members.

Department of Labour and Advanced Education (LAE), Skills and Learning Branch, Adult Education provided funding for the PD Conference for Practitioners, ​the PD Fund, ​the IT Fund, Adult Learners' Week, ​the Practitioner Training and Certification Program, ​the LNS Resource Hub, and NSSAL Community Grants.

Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC) funded the Essential Skills for the Atlantic Fisheries project which is delivered in partnership with the Literacy Coalition of New Brunswick (LCNB), Newfoundland and Labrador Laubach Literacy Council (NLLLC) and the Prince Edward Island Literacy Alliance (PEILA). LNS had a contract with LCNB to deliver the activities within Nova Scotia. The Department of Community Services have provided funding towards Nova Scot​ian participants. Other supporters of this project are Workplace Initiatives (LAE), along with ​the Municipality of Digby, ​the NS Fisheries Sector, Employment Nova Scotia and ​the Employment Opportunities Partnership.

Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia (RCFofNS) contracted LNS to provide administration and communication services. RCFofNS has funded literacy organizations and learning community projects through its granting programs. LNS was the recipient of an Emergency Community Support Fund grant funded through the Rural Communities Foundation of Nova Scotia and the Government of Canada to offer Empowerment for Employment, a fisheries training program.

Nova Scotia Community College provided in-kind office space, utilities, and other supportive services.

American Income Life Insurance as a company has over the years supported the basic interest of working women and men through our ongoing support of organized labour and their efforts to enhance the lives or their members and the public at large.

Donors & Other Supporters
ABC Life Literacy Canada
Assante Wealth
Bakers Point Fisheries
Better World Books
Chris Atwood, donated CFC Foundation honoraria
Crystal Tobin Legere
Community Sector Council of Nova Scotia
Decoda (BC)
First Book Canada
Lindsay Construction
New Brunswick Literacy Coalition
Nova Learning Inc.
Nova Scotia Federation of Labour
Nova Scotia Works
NS Department of Community Services
NS Department of Labour and Advanced Education
PGI Canada
Prince Edward Island Literacy Alliance
Seabrook Transport
Skillplan (BC)
St F.X. University
Truro and Colchester Chamber of Commerce
Wildflower Promotional Products & Apparel

Current Member Organizations
Adult Learning Assn. of Cape Breton County
Antigonish Co. Adult Learning Assn.
Bedford-Sackville Literacy Network
Colchester Adult Learning Assn.
Community Learning Assn. North of Smokey
Cumberland Adult Network for Upgrading
Dartmouth Learning Network
Digby Area Learning Association
East Hants Community Learning Assn.
Eastern Shore & Musquodoboit Valley Literacy Network
Équipe d'alphabétisation - Nouvelle Écosse
Frontier College
Guysborough Co. Adult Learning Assn.
Halifax Community Learning Network
Hants Learning Network Association
Lunenburg County Adult Learning
Mi'kmaq Native Friendship Centre
NSCC IT Campus
NSCC Truro Campus
Pictou Co. Continuous Learning Assn.
Richmond County Literacy Network
Shelburne County Learning Network
South Shore Work Activity Program
Valley Community Learning Association
Yarmouth County Learning Network

Individual Members
Thank you to our 44 individual members for their support.