Information Sharing and Research
LNS employs a variety of communication tools including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Google Calendar, Google+ web albums, Google alerts, the LNS Znanja elearning platform, LNS monthly eNews to over 500 recipients, as well as our website and adult learner factsheets. LNS produced a Literacy Action Week toolkit. We published ebooklets for Adult Learners’ Week 2020 with learning
stories written by adults on the theme Literacy Changes Lives. LNS also produced The Learning Beacon,
an interactive, online magazine for adult learners.
LAW is a time when individuals and organizations who have an interest in
supporting adult literacy share information with governments and the public
about literacy and essential skills in their community. For LAW 2020, we asked the
public to demonstrate how literacy makes a difference in the lives of real people.
During November 2 – 6, 2020, LNS invited everyone to post photos of themselves
on social media holding a poster saying why they think supporting literacy is
important. Community based learning organizations used the opportunity to raise
their profile.